13 Best Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

Email communications that contact a lead at various sales process phases are known as sales follow-up emails. These messages help establish trust and understanding while reminding prospects of your company’s advantages and giving them a cause to keep talking. Salespeople may use email templates like the ones we’ve produced below to follow up swiftly and professionally and ultimately clinch the deal.

13 Sales Follow

1. Make a cold call Email Follow-up

When to use it: Within 24 hours following a first introduction phone contact, send this message.

Because this is one of the newest prospects in the sales pipeline, it’s critical to follow up as soon as possible while being cautious not to be seen as spam. In this initial communication, resist the urge to list every advantage your organization may provide a customer. You want to build a personal connection, therefore use explicit language in the message and subject line about your number one advantage to them.

Following a cold phone conversation or email interaction? Here’s an example of an email you may write. It’s vital to remember that the language below is designed for a cold call in which you chatted with the prospect or exchanged emails. If the prospect doesn’t pick up the phone, leave a message and then send the email below, referencing the voicemail rather than when you talked with them.

Email Template for Cold Call Follow-up

Greetings, [Prospect Name]; I’m pleased we got the opportunity to talk.


I’m delighted we got to talk on [day of discussion], and I appreciate you taking the time to tell me about your company.

I had a lot of fun learning about [discussion topic]. I know from [anything that establishes your credibility] that [describe Prospect’s pain issue], as I indicated on the phone. We’ve helped firms like [similar companies] accomplish [the number one advantage you can give] in the previous year, and after speaking with you, I feel we may be able to assist [Prospect’s company name] as well.

Based on our talk, I’ve included some more information regarding how we can [reinforce benefit number one]. Please review them and respond to this email or contact me at [phone number] if you have any questions.

(If appropriate) Otherwise, I hope to speak with you on [planned day and time agreed upon on first phone call].



2. Outside Event Sales Email Follow-up

When to utilize it: After seeing a fresh lead resulting from an external occurrence, such as a news item.

This sort of follow-up is intended to react to an occurrence that may signal that a prospect is ready to purchase or make a change. After this sort of event, using an intriguing and relevant subject line might help you build a connection.

If a firm has fallen on hard times as a result of a change in leadership and you can assist, make sure your follow-up email is sensitive to those circumstances and appreciative of the fact that it may be a subject your prospect does not want to discuss. External trigger events might be beneficial or harmful. Make sure to change your email’s tone appropriately, or have two distinct templates to address each case, as seen in the example below.

Sales of external events Email Template for Follow-up

Congratulations on [important occurrence], [reason for importance].


I just wanted to send you a quick note to congratulate you on [important event]. We usually get thrilled at our company when we hear about what’s going well with other companies, and I just wanted to congratulate you!

In addition, I wanted to check in with you to see if there is any way we can assist you as you develop and expand. We’ve helped firms like [similar companies] accomplish [the number one benefit you can give] in the last year, and we thought we might be able to assist you as well.

I’m not sure whether this is a good match, but if you’d like, I can [make an offer or provide another cause for the Prospect to act].

Please respond to this email, contact me at [phone number], or visit our website at [website link] to discover more about us.

I eagerly await your response.


3. Sales of Lead Magnets Email Follow-up

When to utilize it: When a lead triggers an automated online action, such as a newsletter sign-up.

When a prospective customer downloads a file from a mass marketing email, clicks on a link to a white paper signs up for a newsletter, or does anything similar, the lead magnet email is sent. This message should express gratitude for the prospect’s attention, reiterate your benefit, and urge the prospect to continue the discussion, ultimately moving them along the sales funnel.

Follow-up Email Template for Lead Magnet Sales

Thank you very much for downloading [resource name]. You’ve made the initial move…


Thank you for triggering [event].

I know [describe Prospect’s pain issue] because of [anything that establishes your credibility]. We’ve worked with firms like [similar companies] in the previous year to help them accomplish [the most important benefit you can deliver] utilizing [service or product related to trigger]. Now that you’ve made the first step allow me to assist you in reaching the finish line.

Please respond to this email, contact me at [phone number], click the link below, or visit our website at [website link] to discover more about us.

I’ll get back to you shortly,


4. Sales from Web Inquiries Email Follow-up

When to utilize it; When a website visitor has filled out a contact form.

Respond to everyone who signed up for additional information using a contact form on your website with a web inquiry follow-up email. These qualified leads have done their homework on your firm as a possible solution. As a result, it’s essential to utilize exact language that outlines your advantages and talents in relation to your particular interest.

Email Template for Web Inquiry Sales Follow-up

Thank you for contacting us about [product or service].


I saw you [visited our website lately]. I just wanted to check in and see whether you [got the answers / discovered the resources] you were searching for. I’ve also included some more material that I hope you’ll find helpful.

I know [describe Prospect’s pain issue] because of [anything that establishes your credibility]. We’ve helped firms like [similar companies] accomplish [the number one benefit you can give] over the last year, and we believe we may be able to assist [Prospect’s company name] as well.

I want to organize a follow-up call to explore your requirements in further detail. [two or three meeting alternatives] I’m available. Which of these options is the most excellent fit for you?

I eagerly await your response.


5. Sales through inbound phone calls Email Follow-up

When to utilize it: After a prospect has called your organization directly and talked with someone.

The inbound call follow-up email is a useful tool for responding to anybody who has called your office directly with a particular question. This is your opportunity to show that you care about your customers by proving that your staff is engaged in active listening. As a result, it’s essential to utilize exact language that highlights your advantages and talents in relation to the particular interest they stated on the phone.

Sales of Inbound Calls Email Template for Follow-up

Subject line: [reason they called]: Our next actions


I’m delighted we got the opportunity to speak, and I appreciate you calling our office to discuss [cause for the call]. I just wanted to check in and see whether you [got the answers / discovered the resources] you were searching for. I’ve also included some more material that I hope you’ll find helpful.

I’d want to set up a follow-up call with you to go over your unique requirements and answer any questions you may have about our [top benefit you can provide] or how we’ve assisted others with similar [pain points].

Do you have any availability on [recommended day and time]?

I eagerly await your response.


6. Follow-up Email After a Networking Event or a Public Event

When to utilize it: Following a conversation with someone you met at a trade exhibition or networking event.

The event follow-up email is the message you send to qualified prospects after meeting them at a networking event like a trade fair or after they’ve attended a hosted event like a webinar or online training. This message aims to keep the discussion going from the event while also reminding them of your company’s unique sales position and how you can help them.

Networking or Sales at a Public Event Email Template for Follow-up

Hello [initial Name of the Prospect], I’m delighted we were able to connect.


It was a pleasure to speak with you at [event regarding the highlight of the chat]. As I stated during our talk, I’ve included some extra material that I believe you’ll find fascinating.

I know [describe Prospect’s pain issue] because of [anything that establishes your credibility]. We’ve helped firms like [similar companies] accomplish [the number one benefit you can give] over the last year, and we believe we may be able to assist [Prospect’s company name] as well.

I want to organize a follow-up call to explore your requirements in further detail.

Which of the [two dates/times you have available] would be preferable for you?

I eagerly await your response.


7. Follow-up Email After a Face-to-Face Meeting

When to utilize it: Within the past 24 hours, you had a one-on-one meeting with a prospect or customer.

The main takeaways from your discussion should be included in this email and a list of all action items and how you plan to handle their pain areas or issues.

While this letter might serve as a record of the conversation, it’s also critical that it spells out the next measures you committed to taking to assist the lead progress to the next stage of the sales process. Establish a follow-up plan and define the following actions to ensure those action items do not slip through the cracks.

Face-to-Face Consultation Email Template for Follow-up

Thank you for taking the time to read this!


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on [meeting date] to discuss [statement summarizing the meeting’s objective]. The following are some of my key takeaways:

[insert a list of takeout]

I’m now more sure that we’ve found a solution that addresses the most, if not all, of the issues we addressed. I’d want to keep this dialogue going, so I’ve made a list of things to do:

[create a list of action items]

Would you kindly respond to this email or contact me at [phone number] if I have missed anything?

Otherwise, I want to speak with you on [planned day and time] again.



Pro tip: Emails are excellent tools for advancing a lead through the sales cycle to the quote stage. However, there are several different technologies available to help you achieve your company objectives quicker and more effectively and boost teamwork and enhance total income.

8. Follow-up Email on a New Proposal or Quotation

When to utilize it: If you’ve offered price verbally in the previous 24 hours or if you’re preparing a formal proposal.

The proposal or quotation follow-up email may be used as a cover letter for your official quotation or memorializing an informal quote given in person or over the phone within the previous 24 hours. This email should start a conversation with them about any questions or issues about your pricing, product, service, or conditions.

Sales of a new proposal or quotation Email Template for Follow-up

Our recommended treatment for [pain spot] is in the subject line.


I wanted to make sure you got our proposal describing how we may give [customer name] with [the most critical advantage you can deliver the Prospect].

Are there any additional problems or questions that I can address? What are your plans for the future?

I eagerly await your response.


Pro tip: A clear business proposal that takes the time to ensure it fulfills your Prospect’s requirements and answers any possible queries before sending it will speed up the sales process. To understand more about what you should always include, see our post on creating a business proposal.

Second Follow-up Email on Proposal or Quotation

When to utilize it: When you’ve sent out a proposal or quote but have yet to get a response.

If you’ve sent a quote but haven’t yet received an order, send a second proposal or quotation follow-up email. This email should be used to confirm that the customer has received the proposal, reaffirm your offer to answer queries, and inquire about future actions. To ensure that your lead has had enough time to evaluate your original material, wait for at least one to two weeks before sending this communication.

Second, propose or get a quote. Email Template for Follow-up

Is it ok for me to close your file?


I understand you’re busy, but I just wanted to make sure you understood we’re here to assist you with [pain point stated earlier].

I can understand if you’ve already chosen to go differently. I’ll make sure to close your file and cease harassing you if you let me know.

If you’re just too busy right now, which, let’s face it, we all are at times, let me know, and I’ll make a note to follow up in a few months when things have calmed down.

You’ve got it—let me know if you have any questions about the proposal I supplied or if there’s anything more I can do.

I eagerly await your response.


10. Sales Email Template with a Double-Check

When to utilize it: You’ve previously followed up with the customer and received no answer.

When an initial phone call or follow-up email effort has gone unanswered, the double-check email should be utilized. However, it should not be used more than once in a single day with the same Prospect or customer. This email should reaffirm your commitment to offering a solution tailored to the client’s specific requirements. This email should also remind the customer that you need to hear back before moving further.

Double-check Follow-up Sales Email Template

Subject line: [Prospect’s pain point]: Our next actions


I wanted to double-check that you got my previous communication about [Prospect’s pain issue] and how we may be able to assist with [the number one benefit you can deliver]. Is this still a difficult task for you? Are there any additional problems or questions that I can address?

I’d want to carry on the dialogue. Could you kindly respond with a convenient time to talk?

I eagerly await your response.


11. Service Calls that Have Been Resolved Email Follow-up

When to utilize it: After a recent quality or service, the issue has been resolved (within 24 to 48 hours).

When there has been a recent customer service or quality problem, send this follow-up email. Using this email offers you the opportunity to demonstrate that you’re willing to go above and beyond to ensure that everything is correct. While having a problem with customer service or quality is never ideal, how your organization handles a complaint may assist create trust and lead to future sales chances.

Service Has Been Resolved Follow-up Email Template

Thank you for the opportunity to enhance our service!


Once again, thank you for bringing [problem] to my notice. I’d also want to apologize once again and assure you that we remain devoted to [business principles] and would appreciate the chance to earn your confidence back.

Is it feasible to set up a phone conversation to explore how we may enhance our service or better provide you with [the most important benefit you can provide]?

I eagerly await your response.


12. Cold Lead Email Follow-up

When to utilize it: A lead has been unresponsive to phone calls or emails for more than two weeks.

For various reasons, leads get cold and cease responding to phone calls or emails. Maybe now isn’t the appropriate moment for them to make a buy. Perhaps there have been some unanticipated personnel changes. Perhaps the lead slipped between the cracks. Whatever the cause, a skilled sales leader understands that cold leads don’t have to be dead leads.

A question like “Are you ready to buy?” should not be included in the first cold lead follow-up email. This may be seen as hostile, and your lead may be turned off entirely. Instead, bring up your prospect’s initial interest in your business. Mention anything that has changed since your previous encounter. Close with a request for permission to continue following up or confirmation that your solution is no longer required.

Email Template for Cold Lead Sales Follow-up

Is there anything I’m doing wrong?


It’s been a while since we last spoke, and I wanted to check whether you were still looking for a solution to [Prospect’s problem]. You were previously interested in our [product/service] and how it may assist [your primary benefit].

Is this still something you’re interested in?

Please let me know whether you want me to keep following up.


13. Another Chance Email Follow-up

When to use it: After you believe you’ve lost a customer, use this message to regain lost business.

When an existing customer with established business potential has gone for a lengthy period without a new order, the request for a second chance follow-up should be employed. The tone of your communication should be contrite while reiterating your advantages. Any modifications to your product, staff, or service offerings that have happened since their previous transaction should also be included.

Follow-up Email Template for a Second Chance

Subject: We’ve failed, and we’d want to make amends…


We haven’t heard from you in a long time.

We’ve been improving since [list changes made since last order]. We appreciate your business and want to ensure that you received [the most important benefit you can give] as well as a pleasant customer service experience. If we haven’t supplied either to your satisfaction in the past, please accept our apologies.

For your convenience, I’ve included further information on [improvement]. In addition, I’d like to make you an [offer] in exchange for giving us another opportunity.

Please [insert a particular call to action relating to your offer, a better product or service, or a request for a follow-up phone call or appointment].




Every step of your sales strategy may be supported with sales email templates. They may help you increase sales by reducing the time it takes to compose popular messages. Email templates may also assist in guaranteeing that each message sent contains a call to action geared to move a lead ahead in the sales process if they are prepared appropriately.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software, such as HubSpot, may assist you with follow-up emails by automatically saving and recording emails, calls, and actions, providing you with a simplified picture of your pipeline. It even allows you to design entirely customizable email templates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many follow-ups are too many sales?

A: It depends on the product. If a company’s products are affordable and have good reviews, they might handle more than one follow-up. However, if a company has poorly made products with poor reviews that cost a lot of money, it would do them some good to create fewer sales to make enough profit to stay long-term afloat.

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